Monday, August 14, 2006

"That is not Elian!"

So said Marisleisis (Elian Gonzalez's aunt, whose name I'm sure I just butchered) shortly after Elian was reunited with his dad several years ago, as she held up a photo of him (yeah I know this isn't that picture but I couldn't find the right one) in the arms of his father. She was certain it was a hoax photo. After all, how could Elian be so happy!

And now here we are, several years later, after the the 'masses' went out into the streets waving flags and cheering upon the news that Fidel was having some trouble with his bowel movements, confronted with photos of a cheerful Fidel in an Adidas sweat-suit, following what would seem to be a successful surgery.

I for one am dissapointed that he's still hanging around. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions and say that the photos being sent out by Granma are Photoshop jobs. I mean come on, the Cuban government wouldn't do that! Please. I find it hard to believe that the same country that has warned it's people of an impending attack by the "Yankis" for over 45 years would Photoshop an image of Fidel, alive, on his hospital bed. Come on! Everyone knows that only Americans and the American press lie and invent crap like that.

As I thought about this today, I thought how he may still be alive and what that means. I also thought about him dead and what that means. Then I remembered Marisleysis and that Cuban pride - if you're Cuban you know what I'm talking about. That voice inside your head that won't allow you to let go; to lose even though things are unraveling before your very eyes. I remembered poor Marisleysis, reaching; not willing to go down without a fight. "That is not Elian", she said defiantly, in front of the world press. Soon after that Marisleysis faded away, Elian went back to Cuba.

I hear that these days Elian still, 7 years later, walks around with Cuban government agents escorting him about, because the "Yankis" or exiled "terrorists" might try to come back and get him. I guess it works; it's makes for great drama. It keeps the Cuban people in fear I mean -- always waiting for that impending attack from the USA, for the oppressors invasion.

It's hard for a Cuban to let things go. I guess it may be just as hard whether you're in Miami, or on the island on the verge of change. Watching things unravel before them must be difficult for the Castro(s...maybe). To think that after all these years it could all fade away; that you could fade away. That your legacy would be, to thinking people anyways, as important as a stain on dirty underwear. That you would be remembered as a beligerent old opportunist, who cared nothing for Cuba or it's people. That you would be remembered for using Communism as a front for your own gain.

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?Luke 9:24-26

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